Now that we have completely finished our opening sequence we spent a lesson watching every ones productions and evaluating them as a class. This gave us an idea of how well we had done and if our intentions came across. Overall the feedback was very positive and we we're please with what we received. Here is a general overview of the answers given to each of the questions, in which the class had to answer about our opening sequence:
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Identify films that you think are similar to this opening sequence.
The most popular film the viewers thought it reminded them of was Taken staring Liam Neeson, this is because of the girl being taken in the car. This was surprising to us as it wasn't originally one of our influences but now that the it has been mentioned we can see why people would think that. Other films were Adulthood and Kidulthood, and this was because of the the soundtrack we had chosen to run throughout the opening sequence.
How does your media product represent particular social groups? Identify social groups identified and whether you think their representation is positive/negative; stereo type/alternative.
Here we got the feedback we were looking for as they said that it stereotyped the male cab driver and the venerable young girl. They also said it gave a negative representation towards teenage girls as she was acting drunk and getting into a strangers car. Nothing new was brought to our attention here and we had spoken about all of these representations as a group before the class had seen it.
What kind of media institution might describe your media product and why? Big studio or independent production?
Here the feedback varied as some said a Big studio because of the professional look it had where as other people said independent production as it may only appeal to a certain type of audience. Here we agree with both, however sway towards the independent production as like the feedback said not everyone enjoys horror films and could be quite disturbed by our film, and it is obvious that someone who loves romantic, comedy's and chick flicks, may not be interested as it contains none of these elements.
Who would be the audience for your media product? Target audience - approximate age group and possible preferred gender.
Again we received different feedback, some groups recommended 18+, where as others said 15+ late teenagers. Another group however said 18-30 and we think this is because of the horror genre and storyline, as well as some of the scenes that a young audience would not be able to view. Regarding gender, the majority of the feedback said it swayed towards females due to the main character however both would enjoy.
How did you attract/address your audience?
"tense and dark, suspense music" "mystery makes audience want to see more and find our what happens to Katie and the male driving the car" "Interesting, keeps the audience thinking" "tense horror soundtrack"
Provide any other comments about the production-any particular shot or moment you thought was good?
With this question we received feedback that the story line was interesting and the opening sequence was well constructed and thought about. Another group mentioned that the actors were very good, the violence was realistic, it was very interesting and made you want carry on watching, and that it included a variety of shots. In addition to this we had another comment about our use and good range of camera shots, as well as the camera movements relating to the story of the character, such as the car scene where we use a hand held camera effect to show that Katie is drunk and disorientated.
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