Thursday, 3 February 2011


Indoors of Zenon under 18s night club

Mahiki from outside club

Our ideal location is the Zenon bar which holds under eighteen events which would be suitable for us as we are under age and good for filming as we will actually be within a club. Also, the lighting within the club is great due to the various coloured strobe lights and the atmosphere of being in a club with a variety of people. However, the outside of the club is not brightly lit up and therefore we came up with the idea of shooting the outside location at Mahiki due to the blaring pink lights which over look the street where our scene of Katie getting into the club takes place. To film outside will be fine though we need to get in contact with the manager/ owner of Zenon bar first due to the fact that we will be filming in their premises so we firstly need permission. Until then this idea is not a solid one although one which the whole group and I are extremely excited about.

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